Take this as a research for only one day of your choice out of the seven days. At least from 5:00pm visit one of the nearest bar around and try to calculate the simply mathematics with an aim of getting the percentage of people that go to bars every day.
Take this as a research for only one day of your choice out of the seven days. At least from 5:00pm visit one of the nearest bar around and try to calculate the simply mathematics with an aim of getting the percentage of people that go to bars every day.
Do not get surprised when your hypothesis reflects that the researched percentage is half the population in the country as a whole. Then that is just chapter one of your researched paper. Proceed and find out the income per capita of the people.
Lets assume they know how to manage their salary while enjoying their pleasure and satisfying their thirsty but how about the outcome. Many of us are not aware or we just take it for granted the negative side of alcohol in our lives.
While discussing about the long term affects of alcohol, nkusi john one of the employees in a certain institution said that "alcohol keeps him doing his work smoothly” he continued that after taking a bottle of mutzing, he feels relieved from all the stress and problems.
Muvara sam said that he enjoys alcohol because of the company he get. He got friends from the bar whom he never had before. It’s a pleasure to meet and chat with them. He continued to say that he got a family beyond a family.
Drinking would not be a huge issue to be discussed if it did not cause any harm to our lives.
There are many effects which appears to our bodies due to alcohol. When we drink alcohol it affects the body. It instantly has a depressant effect.
Among the many effects of alcohol, let’s go through some common ones since the list is next to infinity;
Alcohol leads to heart problem that results to irregular heart beat and as a result there is high blood pressure. The next thing is to go visit the doctor. It’s so strange that we let to risk our lives in exchange for short lasting treasures.
Alcohol does affect ones vision. This is very common, a person who is drank can a times fail to recognize the closest person ever. The one they share a bed.
Sexual functioning can be weakened thus resulting into impotence and infertility, sometimes irreversible.
Alcohol affects the one’s sleep. It may cause an easy sleep but it affects the sleep quality. It leads to later part of sleep cycle and in some cases it results to early wakeup.
Without sleep one can’t feel relaxed and it gives way to many mental problems like week sense of remembering and as a result you keep on forgetting so easily.
Alcohol can stop the proper functioning of kidneys. Kidney maintains a proper functioning of body fluids and minerals if there is no proper supply of minerals that means no proper energy.
Females have a high risk of developing breast cancer, early menopause and irregular menstrual periods. Drinking during pregnancy significantly increases chance of miscarriage or delivering immature baby.
Besides all that, it also does affect ones reputation in the society. Losing respect over a mere thing that is easy to control.
After having knowledge about alcohol, the decision lies within you either to treasure live or enjoy the taste ready to face the consequences.