Let virginity be sacrosanct again

In the past days, virginity used to be the most valued thing as far as a girl child was concerned. A lot of wealth materials and other various forms of bride price would be given to parents when their daughter was found to still be a virgin.

Friday, October 26, 2007

In the past days, virginity used to be the most valued thing as far as a girl child was concerned. A lot of wealth materials and other various forms of bride price would be given to parents when their daughter was found to still be a virgin.

Today, the value attached to virginity is overwhelmingly ceasing to be and is highly decreasing at a fast rate and virginity is no longer of value. And this could be the reason why girls are these days increasingly indulging themselves in fornication.

Lose of prestige and attachment to virginity has not only resulted into unwanted pregnancies but also the worsening of the Aids scourge. These all together puts the lives of the girls in danger.

It’s my humble request to parents to be vigilant as far as protecting girls is concerned and even girls should learn to be patient as it always pays.
