Gacaca sentences former Bourgmestre

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA – Gitarama Gacaca court has sentenced Emmanuel Ruzigana to 25 years in prison, after being found guilty of playing a prominent role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


MUHANGA – Gitarama Gacaca court has sentenced Emmanuel Ruzigana to 25 years in prison, after being found guilty of playing a prominent role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Ruzigana, a former Bourgmestre (Mayor) of Nyamabuye Commune in ex-Gitarama Province was on Tuesday June 16, convicted of planning and executing the Genocide in the area, in which over 50,000 lives were lost.

The 50-year old former local  authorities leader pleaded guilty to the crimes leveled against him, saying he was influenced by the former government officials who had camped at Murambi.

"I should have saved lives given  the powers conferred upon me at that time, but instead I was negligent and thus many people died under my watch,” Ruzigana said in part of his testimony.

Ruzigana informed court that he was in-charge of the weapons used during the mass murders.

He also added that he took part in the Murambi meetings-led by Former Prime Minister Jean Kambanda.

He however, fell short of mentioning his exact role and contribution in the meetings.

He also denied transporting and dumping bodies of the victims into River Nyabarongo, in Ngororero District.

During the trial, other witnesses said that Ruzigana saved some people, mostly his relatives and close friends whom he transported to Kabgayi.

The same court sentenced defence witnesses (Justin Nsengiyumva and Jean Bosco Hakizimana) to three months imprisonment for giving false evidence.

Court also sentenced other residents with Genocide related crimes to 19 years in Jail.

These included: François Muhayimana,Emmanuel Twagirimana, Jean Hitimana, Aimable Gafaranga.
