Denounce poor customer service

Editor, I salute  the  government’s endeavor to revamp the situation of customer care in the country. However, it seems like the government is alone in the fight against the mediocre customer services.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I salute  the  government’s endeavor to revamp the situation of customer care in the country. However, it seems like the government is alone in the fight against the mediocre customer services.

The most interested partners in this fight should be the recipients (customers) who should contribute to this effort by refusing the poor quality services they receive . I was however dismayed to find that, many of these would be the partners still embrace poor customer care they receive.

I recently wrote a letter explaining how Zigama CSS‘s counter service is an embarrassment. For those who do not remember it, I was complaining of a bank teller who denied me my right to withdraw money from the bank with no clear reasons (ref the new times issue no 13899.

Zigama CSS counter services an embarrassment to the government effort). I received different reactions, many of which were, chilling, from my friends telling me "ariko buriya nibwo bwari ubwambere ubona biriya, ntitubimenyereye hirya no hino? Byari ngombwa ko wandika? Buriya nti washyanutse?”

This literally translates to "was that really the first time you encountered those services? Are you not familiar to them everywhere in town? Was it necessary for you to put it in a news paper? Are you not loud- mouthed?

All these comments from my friends indicated that the Rwandans mindset had not changed in as far as customer care was concerned. People identify poor service delivery problems; they mumble about it but do not want to speak loud against it.

If we do not want to speak against this, then we are not ready to go a mile further. The comments also substantiate one of HE Paul Kagame’s quotations "What is this culture of mediocrity? We keep talking about "customer service” – we have identified the problem but don’t do anything about it.

Why do we accept bad service and reward it by paying? This is perpetuating the culture of mediocrity”! We may be smart outside but we need to smarten up from the inside.

People talk about Vision 2020 as if it will effortless; good customer care and quality services is one of such  drivers that will speed up vision 2020.

Let’s not leave our government alone in the fight, do not be sarcastic but instead, join me on the front of denouncing the unbecoming acts wherever they exist. Don’t pay your penny for the poor services and remember to thank and possibly "tip” those that treat you with your dignity as a customer.

"This culture of mediocrity is something we cannot afford and shouldn’t accept. We need to start recognizing what is bad and seek to rectify it, and see what is good, and build upon it” HE Paul Kagame.

Seth K. Buhigiro Kanombe.