Sector leader sentenced to 3 years for bribery

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — The Executive Secretary of Nyakabuye sector, Obed Nambajimana, who was arrested for soliciting a bribe was last Friday sentenced to three 3 years in jail by a Kamembe High Court.

Monday, June 15, 2009


RUSIZI — The Executive Secretary of Nyakabuye sector, Obed Nambajimana, who was arrested for soliciting a bribe was last Friday sentenced to three 3 years in jail by a Kamembe High Court.

"Due to the evidence we obtained against you regarding your corruption crimes and according to my analysis and observation I have found you guilty of this offence and you are sentenced to 3 years in jail,” the presiding judge said in his ruling.

The culprit was arrested by police after he solicited a bribe of Rwf 100, 000 from one Simeo Ngirinshuti, an engineer working with TIGO, a new Telecommunication company, in order to allow the company to build a mast in the area.

The Rusizi District Police Commander (DPC), Supt Danny Ndayambaje, earlier said Nambajimana first wrote a letter to TIGO turning down its request to construct and install a communication mast in Nyakabuye sector arguing that the area was a road reserve.

However after a few days, the police sources said that  Nambajimana told Ngirishuti that they could go ahead with the construction only after parting with the money.

The DPC told The New Times that the accused  was caught red handed shortly after receiving the money at his office in an operation which was staged by police after  Ngirinshuti raised the alarm.

Supt. Ndayambaje also disclosed that police had  previously received reports to the effect  that Nambajimana wanted bribes from some contractors constructing roads in his sector.

In his defence, Nambajimana who has been at the helm of Nyakabuye since 2007, claimed that the money he received was an advance payment for his plot of land which he wanted to sell to TIGO for construction of another antenna in Kamembe town.
