Life on facebook

‘Thou shall Facebook’ has become the new commandment for many teenagers today. This forum of craze has engulfed all of us. We have become Facebook fanatics as we long to be considered modern and up to date with our friends.

Monday, June 15, 2009

‘Thou shall Facebook’ has become the new commandment for many teenagers today. This forum of craze has engulfed all of us. We have become Facebook fanatics as we long to be considered modern and up to date with our friends.

Facebook has become our new social line redefining distance barriers. We are not complaining and in fact, we love it.
We love Facebook because we know what it means to live without internet.

Recall the age of letter writing and the days of waiting for our sweethearts reply from the postman. Today, all we have to do is go to Facebook and chat with anyone, anywhere around the world.

Facebook gives us a chance to share the magic of friendship and manage our relationships. It gives us a chance to keep in touch with our old and new friends as we catch up on their current activities and happenings.

This we do with our comments on every thought and action they post on their walls. This social network has become both comfortable and flexible.

To be honest, we have all become so glued to our computer screens. It’s now easier to chat on facebook than meet for coffee. You can keep track of friends’ birthdays, events, share pictures, and look up your classmates. 

However facebook with all its glamour has its own share of demerits. It is a sad reality that many of us live and breathe Facebook. We go online each and every second.

As soon as the teacher or your parent hits the door you cannot wait to check for the latest and most interesting wall post. You spend more time thinking about the next big status update with the most comments.

If we spent as much time as we do on Facebook reading, we would be top tin class after every exam. Every innovation is beautiful, cool and interesting but needs to be well coordinated if we want to pass our grades.

The only way to do this is if we can live past this Facebook craze through being consistent in time management. We need to find time for everything without compromising our dreams and desires of a better future.
