Children enjoying wireless connection at Kanombe Airport

Every evening while walking along Kigali International Airport, the sight of children with their laptops is what greets you. Among these determined children was a young boy walking in a zig-zag pattern carrying his computer mid-air as he tirelessly searched for network.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Every evening while walking along Kigali International Airport, the sight of children with their laptops is what greets you. Among these determined children was a young boy walking in a zig-zag pattern carrying his computer mid-air as he tirelessly searched for network.

Valence Nzigiye, 13 years old, a P.5 student at Ntonko Primary School is aleardy hooked to surfing.

"I walk for a long distance with my laptop so that I can get connected to the internet.”

Everyday groups of children come from far and near to meet and browse the net together with friends from different neighbourhoods. This has made the airport surrounding a meeting point for children.

"We normally come here after classes and chart with friends on the net. When we are at school we use our laptops for class work like writing notes and doing research for our homework.” Nzigiye said.
