MTN launches ’21 days of Y’ello care’ campaign

NORTHERN PROVINCE RULINDO- Over 50 employees of MTN Rwanda Friday took part in the cleaning exercise of a Primary School football field in the Northern district of Rulindo. This was part of the launch of the campaign dubbed ‘21 days of Y’ello care’. According to the MTN Sponsorships Manager, John Bosco Sendahangarwa, the campaign which is carried out every year is aimed at encouraging the MTN staff members to care about the people in their communities.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
MTN staff showing some yu2019ello care at Tare school Friday.


RULINDO- Over 50 employees of MTN Rwanda Friday took part in the cleaning exercise of a Primary School football field in the Northern district of Rulindo. This was part of the launch of the campaign dubbed ‘21 days of Y’ello care’.

According to the MTN Sponsorships Manager, John Bosco Sendahangarwa, the campaign which is carried out every year is aimed at encouraging the MTN staff members to care about the people in their communities.

"The 21 days’ campaign is derived from the fact that MTN operates in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. So we chose the theme and used it to perform communal work to help communities in activities like these,” he said.

Sendahangarwa also said that they chose to take the campaign to primary schools because they wanted to sensitise the pupils about the forthcoming 2010 World Cup in order to instil in them a sporting spirit.

The employees together with the school children gave a facelift to Tare primary school’s football pitch by cutting the grass and painting the goal posts among other activities.

Eugene Kagango, the school’s Headmaster said that MTN employees had helped them a great deal.

"They helped us bring back the field on form and also showed us how to do it. So we think next time we will be able to do it ourselves,” he said.

Sendahangarwa says that the campaign had been successful in the past years where they were involved in building a classroom at Remera Catholic School, and also in knowledge transfer at KIST through ICT training.

The employees also donated eight balls to the school. The campaign is expected to spread to other provinces of the country within the stipulated 21 days.
