Are you taking care of your skin?
Friday, October 25, 2024

Skin forms a cover for the entire body. It forms the first protective barrier of the body. It protects the body’s internal parts from mechanical injuries, harsh climate, dust, other environmental pollutants and microorganisms .

Sensations of pain, temperature and deep pressure start from the skin. Therefore it is advised to take care of the skin. Be vigilant. In case of any problem, it should be treated as soon as possible.

The skin of many people becomes dry due to multiple problems. Dryness of skin can be due to genetic factors, exposure to dust, other irritants, under functioning of thyroid, e.t.c., causes.

The first risk with dry skin is that it becomes itchy. After scratching with nails there is risk of superadded bacterial infection, which can manifest as boils, eruptions.

To prevent it, it is advised that, after a shower, one should apply any moisturising agent (can be cream, natural oil, vaseline, e.t.c., anything which is available and accessible.

Use of strong chemicals containing body care products like lotion, harsh soaps, e.t.c., should be avoided, as they can cause a coarse skin. Avoid using razors for removing excess body hair, as shaving gives rise to coarse skin. This applies more to women.

Exposure to strong sunlight causes tanning, sunburn and is a risk factor for skin cancer. Therefore wear loose long clothes, with full sleeves to protect the skin from direct sunlight. Sun screen lotion should always be used, when one moves out in strong sunlight.

Cleanliness of the skin is very important, otherwise there is risk of infections like bacteria which manifests as small or big painful boils, fungal infections, which cause itching, discoloured patches and are mostly chronic.

To avoid these, it is important to keep the skin clean and dry to avoid infections. Daily shower, with lukewarm water is necessary, after which the body should be rubbed dry with a towel gently.

One can develop eczema or contact dermatitis, due to allergy to some body care product used on the skin, Hence it is vital to be aware of any product being used on the skin.

If in case, minute eruptions, coarse or discoloured patches, itching appears in any part of the skin, one should try stopping the products being used, one by one and try to judge, as to which product is causing the problem.

Smoking results in damage to the collagen and elastic of skin, which results in premature and excess wrinkling.

Also the repeated movement of muscles of the face and lips during the act of smoking, can add on the wrinkles. Use of regular alcohol results in flushing of the face, dark circles around eyes and reduces elasticity.

It also dehydrates the body and skin manifesting as dryness, puffiness of face and early wrinkling. Hence use of alcohol and smoking should be quit as soon as possible.

Dietary deficiencies also affect the skin. Vitamin B. Complex deficiency manifests as dry skin. Dark circles below eyes, pale skin can be due to iron deficiency. A wrinkled skin is also a result of calorie malnutrition.

A healthy, well balanced diet, makes one look more fresh and younger, due to the glow on the face. Diet should be rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and healthy lean meat like fish. Fats should be avoided.

Drinking adequate water keeps the skin well hydrated and glowing. Hence it is advisable to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Adequate physical and mental relaxation is also vital to keep the skin looking healthy and glowing.

Stress makes the skin more sensitive and can trigger acne and other skin problems, therefore should be avoided. Lack of sleep, results in dark circles below eyes.

If in case, a person develops itching, eruptions or rashes anywhere on the skin, medical consultation should be sought to know the underlying cause and treat it. A healthy skin is a sign of good health and should be maintained.

The writer is a specialist in internal medicine.