Violence versus gender equality

Gender equality is accessing same rights within communities irrespective of sex. ‘‘In this case, the male dominance is gradually fading away, which is a good step I think, if gender equality is to take root,’’ Mukakalisa Samantha, a high school teacher says.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gender equality is accessing same rights within communities irrespective of sex. ‘‘In this case, the male dominance is gradually fading away, which is a good step I think, if gender equality is to take root,’’ Mukakalisa Samantha, a high school teacher says.

‘‘Women and girls have been pushed against the wall by the male dominated society, thereby being left aside as far as education is concerned, and fundamentally it is through education that a person can be able to pursue developmental ventures, which for a long time have been left for the boys, there fore making girls lag behind in many spheres,’’ Mukamurigo Charlotte, a sociologist.

‘‘ A lot has been done as a way of streamlining gender equality for example, many girls have schools at all levels, unlike In the past where education was earmarked as a priority for boys, which was one way of preparing them for positions after their completion of their education, but now the number of girls graduating is almost equal to that of boys at all levels of education, partly because of the inferiority complex that was common among girls children, efforts that had been applied by the government to promote girls’ education and gender equality as a whole,’’ Rurangwa Brian a business man.

I think another factor that is particularly improving girls’ education is the effort the Imbuto foundation under the office of the First Lady has put in encouraging girls towards offering science related courses like engineering, medicine and others that were considered to be for men and boys, and the prizes awarded to the first girls have greatly enhanced girls’ performance,’’ Byaruhanga Joseph, a clergy man said.

According to the minister of gender and family promotion Dr Jean d’Arc Mujawamariya the act of promoting gender plays a big role especially as far as human rights and women’s rights in particular. Example women’s was first celebrated in 1975, all aimed at promoting women’s rights and discouraging violence against women.

Violence is characterized into physical which includes beating hurting knocking on heads, psychological which includes abusing insinuating, rebuking and others. 

Violence is any thing that can be negatively impacted onto somebody irrespective of gender, age, colour and others,’’ Mujawamariya.

According to Mujawamariya, violence is can be based on underrating, refusal to talk to a partner, violence based on property such as selling property stealthily, hiding bank accounts and denying one of the partners to sell family property and preventing women from inheriting among others, Mujawamariya said.

Legally married couples have got equal rights to property, and if attitudes like lust which breeds fornication that may lead to divorce, says Nizeyimana.

Lack of relevant knowledge as to how house wives can overcome violence committed against them also play a big part, because if they come to know about the right procedures to take they easily overcome the problem, Nizeyimana added.

As per the idea of divorcing it becomes very difficult because in most cases the affected wife is in most cases overwhelmed by harassment, and in so doing, the husband who constantly harasses the wife becomes very difficult to accept, in this case, the number of the ones willing to change the idea of divorcing is very minimal vis-à-vis the ones who accept divorce,’’ Nizeyimana said.

Consequences of homes that are characterized by violence include being killed, refusal of husbands becoming pregnant when they are still young, becoming fearful every time, perpetual rebuking from husbands, poverty within homes that are characterized by violence, little performance at work places, young children loose hope because of the bad examples from parents and hatred between family members, Mujawamariya said.

As a way of preventing violence, this year’s theme is eradicating violence against a woman, however, this does not mean that violence should be directed against men, because we believe that no development that can be realized without man’s participation, but in a violence free atmosphere Mujawamariya said.

‘‘ Though divorce is not the best solution to couples characterized by violence, when women happen to know about the legal steps, as a way of solving the existing problems, sometimes it offers solutions that greatly improve the lives of the affected women,’’ Nizeyimana said.

The causes of violence are common within homes and couples’ inequality arises, which in most cases results into self aggrandizement and un necessary dignity.

Preventing violence can be through advocacy, so that people can be aware about the ills that are done towards them, and bringing both sides together and come to a solution’’

Nizeyimana Elie, legal advisor Haguruka, a local organization  that is in charge for legal redress for women and children in Rwanda.  
