On the Grapevine

Another setback in our music industry Music and the entertainment industry in general is usually characterised by controversies. Our music industry, it seems, is catching up very fast on this.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another setback in our music industry

Music and the entertainment industry in general is usually characterised by controversies. Our music industry, it seems, is catching up very fast on this.

Our snoops have unearthed that some musicians in Rwanda are using minors in their music videos, despite protests by their (minor’s) parents and guardians.

Top on the list is a very prominent musician and his manager who used a minor in their music video and shunned her mother’s request not to put it on market.

According to our sources, the manager has been distributing the video clip in different studios, yet he is aware of the warning brought forward by the child’s mother.

It’s also said that very soon the mother of the minor, may opt to take the pair to court, because her daughter was a minor when they convinced her to appear in the Music video.

Her case is set to cause a quagmire, because it has often been reported that there are irregularities in shooting Music videos, because the people hired to appear in them are either minors or not paid. We shall keep you posted.

DJ Focus now at Papyrus

DJ Focus, formally of B-Club is now at papyrus. Our snoops spotted him there last Tuesday and there are rumours he might be there forever this time round.

At papyrus, it’s said he will be playing music everyday for holiday makers from 6PM till dawn.

On whether he is getting better pay at Papyrus, we shall inform you, but it’s reported that the dreadlocked DJ fell out with management at B-club and opted for Papyrus Restaurant.
An effort to reach Barry Ndengeye, B-Club’s proprietor for comment about the possibility of DJ Focus’s move were futile as his phone was answered by someone who appeared not in the know.

B-Club shut down

Kigali’s poshest night spot B-Club, we’ve heard has temporarily been locked down. Reliable sources working with B-Club revealed this to the Grapevine. According to this source, the Club will again open its doors on the 27th of June, after a series of renovations.

Renovation will be done on the counter and dance floor among other things. There is also talk of enlarging the spot, to help accommodate the large clientele that often frequents the place.

However there is also suspicion among close friends of the proprietor that he might decide to close down the club and make it a Lounge Bar, because that was his earlier intention.

Compiled By Brian Kimenyi