Dutch to train entrepreneurs

Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme (DECP) has signed a partnership agreement with the Private Sector Federation (PSF).

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dutch Employers Cooperation Programme (DECP) has signed a partnership agreement with the Private Sector Federation (PSF).

The move is to train the private sector staff and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in various forms of running businesses—especially small ones.

The PSF Secretary General Emmanuel Hategeka was optimistic they were to learn a lot from the Dutch—especially in the areas of market penetration, packaging and branding.

Chairman of the PSF Robert Bayigamba said that they had to learn from the Dutch because they have been in international trade for a long time.

"When you look at their companies like Philips and Heineken, they made it because of a developed private sector. They have got a long term plan in international business and if we are to compete favourably in East Africa and globally we must learn from them,” he explained.
