The secret life of...Françoise Umugiraneza

Umugiraneza is the Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Justice. She is married and a proud mother of two daughters. Below, she shares a bit of her secret life with us: The first thing you do in the morning…… I check in the children’s room to see how they spent the night.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Umugiraneza is the Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Justice. She is married and a proud mother of two daughters. Below, she shares a bit of her secret life with us:

The first thing you do in the morning……

I check in the children’s room to see how they spent the night.

When are you happiest?

When my family is free from any kind of sickness

Greatest fear…….

Abrupt death.

Earliest childhood memory……

Loss of all my family members who were at home in 1990.

Affectionate memory of your parents…..

Their extreme love and care.

Greatest achievement……….

Having given birth.

What keeps you awake at night……..

Nothing. If it’s time to sleep, I really mean it.

The most important lesson life has taught you…….

Never to lose hope in life

During your free time…….

I watch movies or have a walk.

What you hate most…….


Retirement plans…….

I hope to fully help the needy.
