Editorial: Strive for self employment

Yes, here at the SundayMag, we are encouraging you to strive for self-employment. It has many advantages as you have heard many of our politicians advise before. Many a time, our education systems and parents train us to be job seekers. They train us to be employable. This is good.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yes, here at the SundayMag, we are encouraging you to strive for self-employment. It has many advantages as you have heard many of our politicians advise before. Many a time, our education systems and parents train us to be job seekers. They train us to be employable. This is good.

It helps you gain skills that you can apply when a vacancy opens up somewhere. Who wouldn’t want to work for a big institution or corporate organization? Many a child is groomed to look towards being employed in the best institutions with the promise of getting fat salaries and probably climbing the corporate ladder.

However, this kind of mentality cripples the mind. One feels lost when the dream job is not forthcoming. Some stay on the streets hoping to one day get the job. They throw away opportunities where they feel the jobs are ‘too small’ for their kind of training.

The SundayMag team would like to advise parents to encourage their children to dream big. It would also like the education sector to train people who can transform their knowledge and skills to actually start their own enterprises.

This can be realized by encouraging more practical education than ‘cram work’! When students study to pass and not to learn, they end up seeming like puppies in a vehicles beam lights!! Not knowing what to do with their certificates or degrees since they usually left the knowledge in the exam room.

Rwanda seems to be trying to do away with this kind of situation as revealed in our Main Feature. We hope you have a happy reading.
