Rwanda gets beef export certification

After the inspection by experts from the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) across the country, Rwanda has now been certified as an exporter of beef to regional markets.

Friday, June 12, 2009

After the inspection by experts from the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE) across the country, Rwanda has now been certified as an exporter of beef to regional markets.

The team that visited recently was tasked to determine whether veterinary services in the country meet international standards.

The OIE consultants inspected both the private and government owned veterinary laboratories.

According Theogene Rutagwenda Director General of Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority, Rwanda can now export beef in the region because it is disease free.

The certificate is restricted to regional markets because European countries would request for different conditions other than the certificate.

Rwanda started her beef exports with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Inspection was carried out at border posts to evaluate cross borders animal movement, slaughtering houses and dairy depots.

Rutagwenda said that experts were happy with how Rwandan border posts are protected from any kind of animal movement.

"They were so moved by our preparedness, we have developed a rapid response teams in National parks and at border posts which is crucial in controlling diseases,” Rutagwenda said.

The inspection report highlighted areas that need to improve and also suggested that Rwanda should have a veterinary institution. 

Rwanda is working hard to control the ‘Foot and Mouth Disease’ which had posed to be a challenge to the industry in different provinces especially in Eastern Province.

African countries that mainly export beef on European market include South Africa and Botswana.

Rutagwenda said a laboratory was established at RARDA to test all the necessary samples unlike before when every thing would be taken to Nairobi for approval.
