Africa School of Governance a 'call to action initiative', says Gatare
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Francis Gatare, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) chief executive delivers remarks during a past meeting.

The Africa School of Governance (ASG) is a call to action initiative, seeing the importance of professionally trained leaders with a focus on mindset change and results-oriented public service, according to Francis Gatare, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) chief executive.

Gatare told The New Times in an exclusive interview that the proposed Africa School of Governance is designed as a Professional Graduate School, to train leaders in public policy, leadership, and management. At the moment, he maintained, the institution will offer only master’s level education.

ALSO READ: What will the proposed Africa School of Governance offer?

Commenting on the eligibility of applicants, he said; "The selection criteria will be competitive and pan-African in nature to make the school a truly pan-African school.

"The founders of the school are currently finalizing with proper accreditation at the Higher Education Council (HEC) and the Ministry of Education in order to launch the call for admissions in December, and start the first class in September 2025.”

As it stands, he said, the former RDB building in the Gishushu area of Kigali will host the institution.

"The Government of Rwanda has donated the former RDB building in Gishushu, which is being restructured inside to fit with the school requirements.”

Co-founded by President Paul Kagame and Ethiopia’s former Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, the institution prides itself in uniting African leaders, academics, and philanthropists in a collective effort to strengthen governance across Africa.

ALSO READ: African Leaders Launch the African School of Governance

The graduate institution is designed to provide world-class education in public policy and governance, addressing the continent’s pressing leadership challenges.

The institution offers a range of tailored academic programmes including the Master of Public Administration (MPA), Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA), and specialized executive courses. These programmes are expected to equip emerging leaders with the skills and knowledge to navigate Africa’s governance landscape while integrating African historical, political, and socio-economic contexts.

In addition to its educational offerings, ASG will also host research centres focused on policy innovation, African history, regional integration, and technology.

The institution is dedicated to fostering home-grown solutions to Africa’s unique governance issues and will engage with governments, civil society, and the private sector, to drive policy reforms and sustainable development.