I was touched by the paraplegic story; shame on Jaguar Bus

Editor, I want to thank Nadine Rukatsi for writing that heartbreaking piece. I am a trauma counselor, and I felt saddened by the story I read in New Times of 10th June 2009. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I want to thank Nadine Rukatsi for writing that heartbreaking piece. I am a trauma counselor, and I felt saddened by the story I read in New Times of 10th June 2009. 

Imagine yourself in her wheel chair and put yourself in her shoes. Try to imagine if you were paraplegic; how would you have felt? Take five minutes and think about it...

The owner of that bus company should first train her staff in customer service and stop making jokes that are hurtful. 
Thank you Nadine.

Lillian Naomi Rugema
