Sector leader arrested over alleged bribery

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — Police in Rusizi District have arrested the Executive Secretary of Nyakabuye Sector, Obed Nambajimana, for allegedly soliciting a bribe from a Telecommunication company-TIGO.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


RUSIZI — Police in Rusizi District have arrested the Executive Secretary of Nyakabuye Sector, Obed Nambajimana, for allegedly soliciting a bribe from a Telecommunication company-TIGO.

Sources allege that the suspect was arrested on Monday after he tried to solicit a bribe of Rwf.100,000 from Simeo Habinshuti, an engineer working with TIGO.

The Rusizi District Police Commander, Supt Danny Ndayambaje confirmed the arrest, saying Nambajimana first wrote a letter to TIGO management in Rusizi stopping them from constructing  and installing a mast in Nyakabuye Sector, claiming it was located close to a  road reserve.

Later, the police chief explained, the suspect asked Habinshuti for a Rwf100, 000 bribe before they could go ahead with the construction and installation of the mast.

The suspect was arrested at around 10:45 am at his office shortly after receiving the bribe.

"Habinshuti called police complaining that Nambajimana had asked them for a Rwf100, 000 bribe in order to allow them to build a telecommunication mast in his sector. He was arrested red-handed with the cash at his office,” Supt. Ndayambaje said.

However, talking from the Kamembe Police post where he is currently under custody  Nambajimana denied the charges saying, the money that he received was part of payment for his plot of land that he wanted to sell to TIGO.

Speaking to The New Times in a phone interview on Tuesday, Habinshuti however confirmed that Nambajimana had solicited a bribe from him, and he thanked the police for timely taking action.
