Nairobi is not only beautiful but safe

Editor, I am a faithful reader of The New Times I appreciate the great regional coverage mirrored in your paper daily. I am however appalled by the recent misguided articles about Kenya.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I am a faithful reader of The New Times I appreciate the great regional coverage mirrored in your paper daily. I am however appalled by the recent misguided articles about Kenya.

The country has been portrayed as an insecure politically unstable nation a view that is not only ungrounded but devoid of facts.

On your June 9th issue the article titled "Nairobi exciting but trying” portrayed Nairobi as a disorganised mess and a threat to a visitor’s security.

I believe this offends any Kenyan who gets to read your paper and goes so far to damage the countries tourism sector. Positive image of a country is something that country’s work hard to maintain and should not in anyway be taken for granted.
