Support afforestation to revitalize our ecosystems

Editor, An international meeting of agencies and stakeholders of the forestry sector in Africa started on Monday. The theme was planting more trees, including man-made forests and rehabilitating already existing ones.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


An international meeting of agencies and stakeholders of the forestry sector in Africa started on Monday. The theme was planting more trees, including man-made forests and rehabilitating already existing ones.

The importance of having more forests is incredible, ranging from attracting rainfall, cleaning the atmosphere from hazardous fumes, to giving life to a multiplicity of living organisms.

Rwanda, just like some of our neighbouring countries like Congo, was naturally endowed by forests, but what is heartbreaking is the fact that many of these forests have nearly been destroyed by humans.

Our forests of Giswati and others were nearly swept away, but it is impressive to find that efforts are in place to rehabilitate them; however, more attitudinal change can be helpful.

My humble appeal to people is to embrace a collective responsibility of planting and protecting forests such that we can revitalize our ecosystems.
