Employers warned on worker’s rights in Gicumbi

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Officials from Rwanda Social Security Fund (CSR), on Monday warned Gicumbi District employers against violating workers’ rights to social security.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


GICUMBI — Officials from Rwanda Social Security Fund (CSR), on Monday warned Gicumbi District employers against violating workers’ rights to social security.

"Any employee with verbal or written contracts with workers should be registered with CSR. Failure to remit workers’ contributions to CSR contravenes national  and international Labour laws,” said Derrick Kayombya, one of the officials. He was speaking at a one-day sensitisation workshop on workers’ rights at Byumba Anglican Church hall.

Kayombya warned that legal action would be taken against employers violating workers’ rights. The workshop drew heads of district health centres, representatives of cooperative societies and officials in-charge of the health insurance at the health centres.

The District labour inspector Olivier Gakuba, explained that national  labour laws also cater for the protection of domestic and similar category of workers and they are supposed to be registered with CSR.

Dr. Deocles Mukama, the Director of Byumba Hospital, who closed the workshop, also cautioned employers against breaching labour laws.
