Public, private sectors to learn from South Africa’s experience

The Private Sector Federation (PSF) and the public sector will organise a five day dialogue in August 2009 to improve and develop Rwanda’s infrastructure. According to the PSF, the programme will be facilitated by the Development Bank of South Africa in collaboration with the South African National Treasury.

Monday, June 08, 2009

The Private Sector Federation (PSF) and the public sector will organise a five day dialogue in August 2009 to improve and develop Rwanda’s infrastructure.

According to the PSF, the programme will be facilitated by the Development Bank of South Africa in collaboration with the South African National Treasury.

The federation says it will give the South African experience in the public private partnership (PPP).

"The development of infrastructure in Rwanda and Africa in general has become the most pressing challenge for accelerating economic development and social progress and governments are unlikely to mobilise the required resources,” said Molly Rwigamba the in charge of capacity building at PSF.

It is estimated that between $500 billion to $1 trillion is required to develop infrastructure for Africa to meet the minimum requirements and standards for Africans to enjoy a normal life in the next two decades.

"If Africa is to make a meaningful impact on its infrastructure developmental backlog, huge resources would be required thus the need for public private partnership,” Rwigamba added.

She said that the partnership aims at improved government capacity to deliver services to its citizens, improvement in general economic performance and job creation.

Improved roads, railways, airport, telecommunication, electricity will increase the general standards of living for people and help the government attain the millennium development goals faster.
