Conserving the environment

Rwanda is country that is known for its beautiful clean environment that is mirrored in the well tendered green hills. Pride is what we feel every time we walk around with a visitor and watch as they glow in the amazement by the incredible beauty of our country.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Rwanda is country that is known for its beautiful clean environment that is mirrored in the well tendered green hills. Pride is what we feel every time we walk around with a visitor and watch as they glow in the amazement by the incredible beauty of our country.

As we enjoy our clean streets after other people’s hard work, we need not to forget our own responsibility to the country we all adore. To love something means caring for it and appreciating it enough to want to conserve it.

This week we are celebrating the Environment Week. As we speak, Rwanda stands as the best country in Africa in nature conservation. 

This is so great and this comes at a time when the youth of Rwanda are taking charge of issues that make the country a better place to live in. This means that youth are now capable and responsible enough to maintain this position.

Being the leaders of tomorrow, youth can be at the forefront of making Rwanda a country that respects and upholds environmental conservation. We are young and it is time to learn to give back to the environment that gives us so much more.

Fresh air, water, food, shelter, rain, raw materials for development and even recreation are just a few things we get from the environment. This is done through ensuring that a perfect habitat for people and the wildlife around us is protected.

Avoid pollution at all times, take out trash and burn all indecomposable materials like plastics and papers. Learn to dispose off waste instead in the available dustbins. Choose to conserve instead of destroying nature, plant instead of cutting down trees.

We need to lead the younger generation by example. Remember always what we love we take care of and this applies even to our environment so lets conserve it.
