Crown Cots Primary School children speak about the environment

Last week, Rwanda celebrated the I6th National Environmental Week with the theme, ‘Your Planet Needs You- Unite to Combat Climate Change’. ‘The Children’s Times’ reporter PELAGIE N. MBABAZI, had the opportunity to talk to the pupils of Crown Cots Primary School on various environmental issues.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Last week, Rwanda celebrated the I6th National Environmental Week with the theme, ‘Your Planet Needs You- Unite to Combat Climate Change’.

‘The Children’s Times’ reporter PELAGIE N. MBABAZI, had the opportunity to talk to the pupils of Crown Cots Primary School on various environmental issues.

These brilliant children had something to say about the importance of the environment, its protection and conservation. Below are their views.  

"Children need to protect the environment by not polluting it. We should not put dirty things in water.” Marvin Murindangabo, 12, P.6

"We can all conserve our environment by protecting forests. They beautify a place and make our country look good.” Elton Kangaba 12, P.5

"It is good to protect the environment because it brings tourists to our country and they bring money to us.” Brian Muhangara 12, P.6,

"Forests should be protected because they give us rainfall and oxygen for breathing. We also get firewood for cooking and people when they cut down a tree, they should plant three more to avoid deforestation.” Brenda Cyuzuzo 10, P 5
