Political parties resolve to promote good governance

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — All political parties in Rwanda have agreed to promote good governance in order to rally residents behind development programmes.

Monday, June 08, 2009


MUHANGA — All political parties in Rwanda have agreed to promote good governance in order to rally residents behind development programmes.

Representatives of nine political parties in the Southern Province made such  resolutions during a good governance seminar, held in Nyamabuye sector last Sunday.

The parties also resolved to increase awareness campaigns among members and improve cooperation, collaboration and support efforts of the Forum of Political parties.

"The participants have demanded that the Forum of political parties disseminate clear and helpful political agenda to residents such as the  harmonisation of health insurance in Rwanda,” one participant Eugene Munyaneza said.

Zephyrin Jyuka, the programme director of the forum said during the meeting, that  members were briefed on the role of political parties in strengthening development and democratic governance.

The meeting also closely looked at  ways of assessing and measuring good governance indicators. Some parties criticised the methodology used in assessing good governance indicators worldwide, saying it is biased and unrealistic.

They argued that the methodology needs to be based on realities on the ground and research-based findings.    
