RICA explains risks in substandard abattoirs
Thursday, October 17, 2024
A substandard abattoir in Kamonyi District. RICA recommends that all sorts of slaughtering should be conducted in registered and licensed slaughterhouses, equipped with the necessary tools and personnel for a hygienic and controlled environment.

The Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition, and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA) has urged the general public to avoid the consumption of uninspected meat slaughtered from undesignated places due to the high risks of spreading zoonotic diseases.

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According to Gaspard Simbarikure, the Veterinary Hygiene and Quarantine Specialist at RICA, slaughtering animals illegally "is a malpractice” that people are advised to stop.

"RICA strongly prohibits the malpractice of slaughtering animals at unauthorised places such as at home or in bushes,” he stated.

According to him, such malpractice is against the regulatory requirements and "poses a number of risks as animals are slaughtered in unhygienic conditions and the meat is not inspected.”

"The uninspected meat may be associated with significant health and safety risks to both the individuals involved and the broader community. These risks include the spread of zoonotic diseases and the consumption of unsafe and lower-quality meat, among others. Most of the time, the slaughtered animals are those that have naturally died, are dying, or have been ill and treated with drugs but did not recover (under medication),” Simbarikure added.

Such malpractices are largely seen in remote areas in Musanze District and other parts of Northern Province.

An animal slaughtered from an undesignated place.

Alex Mbaraga, the vice chairperson of Rwanda Pig Famers Association, agrees that cases of slaughtering animals illegally are still a challenge.

"It is a long journey, but people should understand that quality meat is recommended,” he said, noting that close collaboration by the association, local authorities, farmers, and other competent government entities, will contribute to addressing the problem.

Maurice Mugabowagahunde, the Governor of Northern Province, agreed that there have been cases where people illegally slaughter animals from their homes but disclosed that measures have been taken to address the issue.

He said: "It is prohibited to slaughter an animal from home or in the bush as per recommendations by RICA. Those substandard abattoirs should be shut down so that we have few slaughterhouses that meet standards.”

Banning the street vending of meat, according to him, is part of the measures to ensure people embrace the culture of consuming quality meat.

"We are going to increase inspection for those people who slaughter from undesignated places, as we don’t want anyone to consume poisonous food,” he added.

To protect consumers and ensure food safety, RICA recommends that all sorts of slaughtering should be conducted in registered and licensed slaughterhouses, equipped with the necessary tools and personnel for a hygienic and controlled environment.

ALSO READ: Why govt is constructing pig abattoirs countrywide