When players get played ‘part two”

Following an article published in the New Times Daily last month headlined “when players get played” by my colleague Kelvin Odoobo; I am begging to differ with him on some few points.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Following an article published in the New Times Daily last month headlined "when players get played” by my colleague Kelvin Odoobo; I am begging to differ with him on some few points.

"Martin Murenzi knows that any woman or girl who spends a few minutes in the Ali’s vicinity is as good as ‘finished’ for no apparent fault of her own”.

These words are some from the article. It is so unfortunate that the so called players have it in mind that women are so vulnerable in that to them picking a woman is just like picking a fly with ones saliva.

In this 21st century do men still think that they are in control of the game? What you don’t know yet. Ever tried to wonder what’s in a woman’s mind? What is she thinking about?

Do you know that women nowadays always mean what they say? When men say something, most likely they mean the exact opposite. But what do men actually want?

Kelvin said something like its in men’s nature to have more than one woman. My question is. Who determines the player and the one being played?

We have heard men bragging, telling his peers that he has "used” the girl next door. What makes him think that the girl next door did not use him instead?

Even the bible says that people get destroyed because of lack of knowledge. It’s high time our fellow brothers woke up and smelt the coffee. Over confidence will just, but embarrass them sooner than later.

What we react to most strongly in others and what we most strongly condemn in others is usually something that we also have, a trait that we also have but that we are unconscious of in ourselves.

So when men, for example, become upset if they encounter somebody who is a player, or they could become upset about somebody who is dishonest, no matter whom, the force of their reaction usually tells them that there is something in them that they need to look at.
