On whether same sex marriage should be legalized

Last week, California one of the largest states in America outlawed same sex marriage. This received mixed reactions from various groups and people. Sunday Times’ ALEX NGARAMBE sampled some Rwandan’s reactions.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Last week, California one of the largest states in America outlawed same sex marriage. This received mixed reactions from various groups and people. Sunday Times’ ALEX NGARAMBE sampled some Rwandan’s reactions.

Here they are: Berna Namata, journalist: "It ceases being marriage when it is between the same sex because this is going against the normal and proper way that marriage was intended. It is said in the bible that a woman shall leave her parents’ home and go to live with her husband not husband with husband nor wife with wife. So same sex marriage, God forbid.”  

Dalphine Umulisa, business woman: "That is how far the world has degenerated! Marriage is intended for among other reasons procreation. How will same sex marriage ensure that? Or the world should perish because no one is producing tomorrow’s generation. California did well and the entire world should do the same.”

Florence Dusabe, a mother: "This (same sex marriage) is so satanic we should never give it a place in our society. This should never come anywhere in Africa.”

Andrew Ndiga, university student: "I would not have a problem with it since some homosexuals claim that it is genetically inspired. It is fine with me because I would not engage in it but if some one can’t help it because of genetical reasons why interfere with his peace? Legalize or not we have options to avoid same sex marriage if we don’t want to.”

Charles Ruzindana, motorcyclist: "Whether it is abolished or not, people will still practice it. They may not officially live together as married couples do but they will do everything they want. I don’t support the idea but the authorities should find another solution to this problem.”  

Anthony Byarugaba, driver: "The decision should be left to the two people who want to engage in it after all it does not affect any public peace. There are other graver sins that energy and resources should be devoted to such as hunger, diseases and many others.”

What’s your take?
