The journey towards V2020

The colonialists, based on an ideology of racial superiority and in collaboration with some religious organisations, exploited our subtle social differences and institutionalized discrimination. These actions distorted the harmonious social structure, creating a false ethnic division with disastrous consequences.

Sunday, June 07, 2009
Angelina Muganza.

The colonialists, based on an ideology of racial superiority and in collaboration with some religious organisations, exploited our subtle social differences and institutionalized discrimination. These actions distorted the harmonious social structure, creating a false ethnic division with disastrous consequences.

It is only Rwandans who have the obligation and the capacity to reverse this trend. Currently, we need comprehensive human resources development, encompassing education, health, and ICT skills, aimed at public sector, private sector and civil society.

To be integrated with demographic, health and gender issues as emphasized by the fourth pillar of vision 2020. In this regard, Law No 06/2007 of 01/02/2007 put in place a public service commission.

The commission is a national permanent and independent institution endowed with administrative and financial autonomy.

In an attempt to know how the Public Service Commission relates its day to day undertakings into the vision 2020, Richard Nkubito of the Sunday Times had an exclusive interview with the Executive Secretary, Madam Angelina MUGANZA and below are the excerpts;

Qn. Will you briefly introduce yourself to the Sunday Times’ readers madam?

My names are Angelina MUGANZA. I’m the Executive Secretary for the Public Service Commission.

The public service commission is a young institution that was put in place by the constitution in its Article 181which also mentions the duties and responsibilities of this commission.

This commission was established by Law No 06/2007 of 01/02/2007 determining the Organization and functioning of the Public Service Commission.

Qn.  What’s your take on V 2020

I think vision 2020 is a good tool for a country particularly a country like ours, (Rwanda) that seeks to align our objectives, our thinking and actions.

The vision 2020 is a national vision and I think it should really be understood by everybody including the public sector, private sector, civil society, religious denominations, at national, provincial, sector, cell, village and most importantly at family level.

This includes the foreigners who are in Rwanda for one reason or the other, whether investors, tourists, name it. However, I do believe there is still need to review the vision by all stake holders so that we may not lose some of the steps and that’s why I think it is even important for the Sunday Times to reach out to different for their opinions regarding vision 2020.

Qn.  How does your office translate the vision in its day to day undertakings?

Vision 2020 says much about building Human Resource capacity. The Public Service Commission having a role in recruitment and therefore looking for the best public servants for the government, we ensure that the best candidates are selected.

The Public Service Commission must be objective and we believe in equal opportunities for all Rwandans, we also believe that any sort of discrimination is wrong thus we strive to achieve the national values as enshrined in the National Constitution and the Law that establishes this Commission.

Our daily undertakings include; Recruitment, Management of personnel/ staff and Management of Conflict among others.
The vision 2020 emphasizes knowledge based Agriculture, good governance, Technology and all these cannot be achieved if the public servants are not the right ingredient.

If we have the smartest, competent, hardworking, not corrupt civil servants, civil servants who deliver more than they receive, then vision 2020 will be a success.

In this regard we also train civil servants and recently we had a one month training with Human Resource Managers from different institutions.

Our determination is to look for the best personnel to serve the public because they are the catalysts of the vision and the guiding principles are transparency and good governance among others.

Qn. Any challenges so far?

Well, most of our challenges are based on the fact that we are a young institution.

Firstly, we had a challenge of an office but now that one was covered.

Secondly, we started the office with only three officers including myself, so we had a challenge with staffing the office but now so far so good.

I must confess we have a persistent challenge with both Human Resource Managers and public servants who either do not understand or implement the Laws governing public service.

This is why we have several public service and good governance meetings, media campaigns, workshops, seminars so as to address this challenge.

Qn. What is your message to the entire community as regards the vision?

"It is important that we know the vision 2020 and make it our own. Everybody has a role and nobody can do it all alone. It should therefore be disseminated down to the households and I believe the Imihigo at family level will help much in attaining the heights of vision 2020. Finally, all public servants should see themselves as agents of good governance. 
