A day in the life of....Therese Bibonobono

“I am the Director Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs within the private sector. I am in charge of coordinating events amongst women that can help them grow in business, among other duties,” Therese Bibonobono introduced herself.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

"I am the Director Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs within the private sector. I am in charge of coordinating events amongst women that can help them grow in business, among other duties,” Therese Bibonobono introduced herself.

Below she shares with the SundayMag how typical day goes: I do not have a specific time that I wake but I find myself awake. I immediately start work when people call to make appointments to meet them.

Although I am not always at work by 8a.m, at least that’s the time at which I am within the confines of work in office. This is because I sometimes use the morning hours to meet some official people on programme basing on where we are to meet since some are along the way to my work place.

First thing I do when I reach office is to check on the internal work related mails to ensure that I respond to what is urgent.
I usually have lunch about 12:30p.m.

I continue with work depending on the day’s tasks. I am not set to a time limit of work. I work until when I have managed to achieve the day’s set goals.

Time to go home is also not constant because I sometimes find myself out of office at 8p.m. That constitutes my typical working day.
