Technology: Helpful laptop handling tips

A lot of busy-bodies in this time and age have a dependable laptop that they carry everywhere they may go. It is expected that these are brought with them not only in the office but also at home where the owners can check emails whether personal or business anytime or at their favourite cafe while sipping some cappuccino.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

A lot of busy-bodies in this time and age have a dependable laptop that they carry everywhere they may go. It is expected that these are brought with them not only in the office but also at home where the owners can check emails whether personal or business anytime or at their favourite cafe while sipping some cappuccino.

You can be sure that laptop would never be absent during those critical business meetings where they can typically type in their observations and comments without much use for a notebook.    

For those laptop laden individuals perhaps one of the issues of concern and anxiety is on the usage of this device. Not that it is not all that useful as advertised but because the laptop is not actually ergonomically friendly.

It has been said that the computer has basically one ergonomic requirement and that is that its screen and its keyboard be separated to make the user more at ease and relaxed when typing in those words or numbers.    

Perhaps the best defence against a sore neck or back or cramps on the hands and wrists are to make sure to maintain good posture when using a laptop computer.

For occasional users, it is advised that you go for a comfortable chair where you can sit your back in. To avoid wrist pains, it is better to place the laptop on your lap as this is the most neutral location.

Make sure to position the laptop in an angle where you can see the screen comfortably without having to twist and turn your neck in to view it. 

More so, ease and comfort is of greater deal for those full time users of laptop computers. And if you are one who uses one as a main computer then do so to position the laptop on a desk where you see the laptop screen without craning your neck.

This can be achieved by placing the computer on an elevated surface or you could make use of a computer monitor pedestal for support. It is appropriate that you use a separate keyboard and mouse which can be easily set up at the back of the laptop. 

It also helps to know your user concerns and issues before you purchase your laptop. This can include your laptop dimensions and weight. Think of the places where you will be working on your laptop on the issue of dimensions.

Small sizes could work better in almost all places as compared to the large ones where you could have difficulty fitting in the space on your car.

Weight is a big deal if you travel or go about a lot. Lugging a heavy laptop is not really a fortunate thing. So if you are always on the move, think small.