The Hater: I hate people who…

…are never receptive of other people’s views. This syndrome is quite common with some of our bosses. They invite you for a dialogue but then end up talking down to you without letting you express yourself on any of the issues raised. Some are so rude they always interrupt you as you speak.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

…are never receptive of other people’s views.

This syndrome is quite common with some of our bosses. They invite you for a dialogue but then end up talking down to you without letting you express yourself on any of the issues raised. Some are so rude they always interrupt you as you speak.

Bosses of this kind tend to forget the line between employees and children. Hey boss, I am not one of your offspring so the next time you feel like talking down to me try using a mega phone. The word dialogue does not refer to a sophisticated medical prescription but to two-way communication. 

…are always digging up our city.

I understand when you say that Rwanda is an agricultural country. I just don’t get it when the city pavements are dug up and covered then dug up again and again. I keep telling people world over that Kigali is the cleanest city in the world.

Do not argue with me on this because I have not been to more than three cities in the world and so to me, it is indeed the best. I am told that the city is always dug up to accommodate fibre optic cables so that I can get better internet services.

Since I haven’t seen anyone digging next to my house, I will just stick to hating. And besides my duty is to hate not understand.    

…waste a lot of time to board a commuter taxi.

Do you know those times when you are seated in a taxi waiting for it to get full before the journey can start? Then a lazy character approaches the taxi, looks inside at all the passengers then hesitates to enter.

Some even foolishly ask when the taxi will get filled up. How can it when you are still standing outside? I really hate these people for they not only waste our time but theirs too. If you have no car like most of you who are reading this, it is always wise to settle for the next best thing which is public means.

As far as I am concerned, delaying to enter has no effect on the eventual cost of travel. And with such a lousy attitude, I only pray you become too broke and shy to even peep into a parked vehicle.

…stubbornly fail to use urinals properly.

This is particularly aimed at all those men who think that this bowl shaped facility is meant to receive not their urine but the chewing gum that has endured the wrath of their teeth for the last eighteen hours or so.

This is not a waste basket please so do not use it to dispose off tasteless chewing gum or even cigarette butts. The other annoying habit is that of men who shameless let some of their liquid waste to go to the floor instead of the bowl.

They end up wetting the floor and observers like yours truly are left wondering whether the person has a sight problem, or is not endowed well enough to get his waste to its deserved destination.       

…try to blame everything on the global credit crunch.

I guess by now you have all heard about the credit crunch. If you have not then I suggest you check out the details on page 40 of this newspaper. I am getting pissed with people who are fond of blaming almost everything on the credit crunch.

I know people who are delaying to pay me on the same lousy pretext. Others are using it to explain simple things like late coming or even with loss! ‘Poor crunch’ if it were a person it would die of stress I guess.

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