Editorial: The Villager returns

Dear SundayMag readers, today we have even greater news. The Villager is back. You probably have been wondering where he has been. He promises to tell you himself. He probably has been on a tour in Singapore and is back to share some insights with us fellow villagers. Anyway, we won’t pre-empt. He’s here now to tell it all.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Dear SundayMag readers,
today we have even greater news. The Villager is back. You probably have been wondering where he has been. He promises to tell you himself. He probably has been on a tour in Singapore and is back to share some insights with us fellow villagers. Anyway, we won’t pre-empt. He’s here now to tell it all.

A country’s greatest resource is its people. Rwanda has got this resource in abundance. She’s doing her best to add value to this resource through improving education standards, health facilities, infrastructure like roads and telecommunication and the more obvious one, housing.

Some of the basic necessities of man are food, shelter, medication and clothing. This time we shall take you through the basic necessity called shelter and Rwanda’s booming construction industry. Many a time change is good. However, it is sometimes resisted and it’s not always easy to implement.

That’s why today it will be the subject of our Main Feature.
Have you heard of a New Rwanda? You probably are already part of it.

Today we shall bring you one of the authors of a national handbook titled ‘New Rwanda’. For details, check out the Focus page where Sondra Myers enlightens us some more on it. Then of course there are your usual columnists with their diverse stories.

And you still have doubts on why the SundayMag is your favourite weekend companion!!!! Anyway, once again, join us in welcoming back the Villager.
