RBS to apply for International Laboratory Accreditation

Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) is seeking for the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) for its laboratories. The RBS Director General, Dr Anastase Kimonyo said the accreditation of laboratories will increase Rwanda’s exports.

Saturday, June 06, 2009
Dr Anastase Kimonyo (File photo)

Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) is seeking for the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) for its laboratories.

The RBS Director General, Dr Anastase Kimonyo said the accreditation of laboratories will increase Rwanda’s exports.

"This is because all exports will be tested and certified from internationally recognised laboratories. The testing is compliance with national, regional and international standards. It facilitates competitive and protects consumers,” he explained.

The status is also under consideration by other regional bureau of standards in order to catch up with other African countries that have accredited laboratories.

"The target is to have the accreditation within next year but much is still needed,” Kimonyo explained. He added that though some of the equipments are available, more is still required in terms of equipment and training personal.

This comes at a time the bureau is implementing regional standardisation policies as a requirement of all regional bureaus of standard.
