Politicians should walk the talk

Editor, South Africa’s newly elected president, Jacob Zuma has so far spent three weeks in office. Yesterday, he had to give his first state of the nation address to South Africans to prove and assure them that he is able to deliver as he promised.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


South Africa’s newly elected president, Jacob Zuma has so far spent three weeks in office. Yesterday, he had to give his first state of the nation address to South Africans to prove and assure them that he is able to deliver as he promised.

This simply means that before the electorate can entrust leaders with power, they want to be sure that the promises they made while on the campaign trail, can be fulfilled.

A good leader is not one who is eloquent but one who can positively transform the lives his people irrespective of who voted for him.

Election time in Rwanda is around the corner and the electorate of Rwanda should only put people in office who have proved that they can deliver.

Likewise, politicians should keep away from empty talk and instead be action- packed leaders so as to better their society. 
