The future through our developing awareness

It is no doubt that we are now living in the technology age, just by observing the rate at which new technologies are developed within a matter of weeks instead of  years.  Technology, Innovation and Invention - these three words have become part of us daily, more so in recent years.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

It is no doubt that we are now living in the technology age, just by observing the rate at which new technologies are developed within a matter of weeks instead of  years. 

Technology, Innovation and Invention - these three words have become part of us daily, more so in recent years. Today, technology and invention is what drives our world, it fuels economies, and aims to make our world simpler. 

We no longer need to create a means in order to formulate upon our ideas, all the platforms are there already.  We only have to dream of possibilities and then make these things come true, through our own intelligence and abilities.  

Our technology becomes also more complex as we develop our ideas, built upon old experiences in order to form new ones.  We also develop ideas through creativity and totally new approaches. 

These approaches not only cement a strong foundation for a future that is based on intelligence and awareness, but also bring about a more confident and positive future, paved in comfort and security.

When we look at the past ten years, we discover a totally new area of the mind to which we have been internally confronted with. We realize that there can be many challenges that we will face that extend far bigger than our own understanding of these issues in our current position in time. 

There are things that are far bigger than us and can only be confronted through gradual awareness and the understanding of how we ourselves impact on life individually, and also how the environment impacts on us.

The world is becoming globally aware, especially since the introduction of the internet, making it easier for people to know about things going on all over the world. 

Imagine back in the day when coming from Nyaruguru to visit somebody in Kibungo relied on purely luck because they were no phones to call in advance or no cars to get there in a couple of hours so it was possible you travelled that far and for that long and missed the person because he was dead or went visiting else where!

Now we can message someone within seconds, pushing away at the small buttons on our mobile phone with the speed of thought that we take for granted as being normal.

If we would take such an object as a mobile phone to a person back in our past of a hundred years ago they would not even be able to comprehend how such technology works, let alone type with such finger speed and accuracy to send messages within a matter of seconds.

Mental thought has taken on a new level of development, with our brains taking on more complexity and ability. Our brains are developing with our technology and awareness, able to harness far more complex notions than previously thought possible. 

Just by comparing what a person would have learnt at school a hundred years earlier to what they learn today, only emphasizes what I mean here.  There are far more subjects and complex notions for children to take in now than previously needed in the times from the past. 

They now need to learn how to think faster in order to induce much more information effectively. It is no surprise that computer games are taken on by many children as they are growing up, increasing their speed of thought to be able to handle this new fast paced lifestyle, that interfaces with computers and technology.

Just look at the speed that a person can now type up their thoughts, rather than having to write everything down with a pen on paper. 

In the 90’s, I thought that the walkman was such fantastic technology at the time, able to play cassettes without needing huge batteries or having to be plugged into the wall socket.

If only I could see then what I see now, then I would be amazed looking at the variety of ipods and other media players with capacity of up to 300 gigabytes of memory. 

In that time I would not even have known what a gigabyte was.Ofcourse. One thing that a lot of people do not take into consideration is the loss of old technology in the future. 

What if we had no longer the need to utilize the wheel in any sort of device and that all things could float along without the need to move them along on the ground. 

It is certainly an odd thought to think that technology could be lost with the advent of new technology that overtakes it. Look at how many years it took us to develop the concept of the wheel to be in the future never needed to be utilized ever again.

The future holds so much potential and possibility, especially as we develop intellectually it can bring about much more than we can even imagine through our current level of perception. 

In many ways it is exciting to think about it, how much we are going to see within the coming twenty years or so, compared to now.  It is a good time to be in this world compared to 100 to 200 years earlier. 

I am glad to be living in this time, and to see the world change daily before my eyes, constantly amazed and awed by all that I see, and excited by all that is possible. 

The future holds so much potential, especially now with the advent of the technology age.
