166 to be vacated from Nyamata, prostitutes to be made to ‘walk naked’

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—Residents residing in business premises in Nyamata have been given until the end of the month to vacate the town, the sector executive secretary has said.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


BUGESERA—Residents residing in business premises in Nyamata have been given until the end of the month to vacate the town, the sector executive secretary has said.

Chantal Uwanyirigira said this week that a team of sector and cell leaders had come up with 166 people who were residing in business premises but doing "nothing constructive.”

In a speech read for her by the Nyamata cell coordinator Gaspard Habumuremyi, many of the affected were said to be engaged in prostitution, petty crimes, drug abuse and some dealing in petty business like selling fire wood, which did not necessitate residing in town.

This has not been independently confirmed. Flanked by cell and Imidugudu leaders, Habumuremyi told residents at a late afternoon meeting that those affected but claimed to have no where to go would be allocated plots of land in community settlements [imidugudu] to construct permanent homes. He also said plastic sheeting would be made available for the affected to make temporary housing.

"Force would be employed for those who resist the move” Habumuremyi said. He said the move was geared towards creating order in town and combating crime.

Those who remained in town would be required to register and be issued resident cards from Imidigudu leaders clearly indicating their profession.

The cards would be renewable after six months. He warned that landlords would be penalized if they failed to dislodge idle tenants.

Habumuremyi attracted murmuring from the audience when he said they [leaders] had committed themselves to wiping to wipe out prostitution in Nyamata.

This prompted him to issue a stern warning saying once caught, prostitutes would be made to walk naked and be whipped on bare buttocks.
