Concern for disappeared persons in the Atlantic

Editor, On Sunday, hearing reports that an Air France jet has disappeared with no trace in the Atlantic Ocean is saddening. The plane is said to have had 228 people enroute from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it ran into a towering wall of thunderstorms before it disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean. 

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


On Sunday, hearing reports that an Air France jet has disappeared with no trace in the Atlantic Ocean is saddening.

The plane is said to have had 228 people enroute from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it ran into a towering wall of thunderstorms before it disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean.

Others say that just before the plane vanished, a bolt of lightning hit it hence causing a malfunction in its electrical system.

With an immense search team on ground, sea and satellite trying to find the missing plane, still the prospects of finding any survivours are so slim according to officials.

Reason being that the zone where it is believed to have disappeared is so vast and is making the search futile. Well, the best a well wisher like me can do is pray and hope to never get on a plane that intends to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

This incident makes me begin to believe that the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ myth is actually true. Ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle- that huge abyss where the centre of the earth’s magnetic force lies and where ships, vessels and planes are believed to disappear without a trace.  

I only hope that, the people on this plane are safe somewhere on some island and not lost forever.

Concerned Gloria Iribagiza