Star Media should offer value for our money

Editor, I would like to pass on my sincere pain and disappointment towards Star Media. I would like to acknowledge the fact that they have brought to us alternative entertainment.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


I would like to pass on my sincere pain and disappointment towards Star Media. I would like to acknowledge the fact that they have brought to us alternative entertainment.

Entertainment or not I am not pleased with the movies on their channels. The movies are either in Chinese or French! To make matters worse, even the few which are in English are outdated.

Imagine movies of Bruce Lee!! It is because of this that I ask them to style up and bring us some of the latest movies. This is a modern world that is why there are also offering their services on digital platform.

Besides having the many channels, what and where is the difference between them and our own Rwanda Television? It is time you style up.

Your client,Edmond Tony