Teen’s Hype: Having enough

I know we are always complaining about what is not happening in our lives and I also know there is nothing wrong with this. It is a feeling that we all go through once in a while. I look at my life now and I realise that I have nothing to complain about.

Monday, June 01, 2009

I know we are always complaining about what is not happening in our lives and I also know there is nothing wrong with this. It is a feeling that we all go through once in a while.

I look at my life now and I realise that I have nothing to complain about. I have a wonderful family that supports me in all of my endeavours, and I have friends that hold me close when I need them. I should be content right? Perfect life, right?

Knowing this, there are still times when I find myself walking down the road looking at the person next to me and wishing I was like them. I wonder why I can’t be as cool or as rich as they seem.

I look at a house past ours and wish it was mine. I see a nice outfit and I wish I would buy it. I look at other girls, wondering why I am not as funny, or as beautiful. I wonder why my clothes are not as pretty.

There seems like there is always something more I want at any specific point in my life. I find myself wanting to be more like someone else rather than me.

I know this feeling is not unique to me. We all know how it feels to want to have it all, how it feels to never have enough. This is called envy.

It’s a mentality that most people have. However, before we can deal with it, we need to acknowledge that we have this negative feeling of envy, then that is when we start to overcome it.

Envy is defined as "a desire to have possessions or qualities that other people have.”

It’s so easy to be engrossed into materialistic things that don’t last. This can change when you start choosing to love instead envying. Stop complaining and hating others because of what they have and you don’t. Just believe that what you have is what you need at that time.

I challenge you today to be happy with what God has blessed you with at this point in your life, and to be happy for those around you.

Life is a journey you might never have everything you want but you can be happy with anything you receive on the way. In the end we live because we have been blessed.
