Benjamin Carson, the Brainy

Benjamin’s story is not different from what is happening today. It all started when he was in primary school. Benjamin was commonly known as “Ben”. With his brother they always performed very badly in class. Their mother was so unhappy because of this. 

Monday, June 01, 2009

Benjamin’s story is not different from what is happening today. It all started when he was in primary school.

Benjamin was commonly known as "Ben”. With his brother they always performed very badly in class. Their mother was so unhappy because of this. 

Like some of the pupils in your class, these two brothers could neither spell any word correctly, nor pass a mathematics quiz. Their classmates started teasing them saying that they were so dense.

Ben Carson did not know why they were failing all the time. Neither did any other person know the reasons.

When Mrs. Carson, their mother saw Ben’s failing grades she became determined to turn her son’s lives around. She discovered why they were failing.

Among the reasons was that she was not giving attention to their school work. So she sharply limited the boy’s television watching and refused to let them outside to play until they had finished their home work every day.

She also told them to read two library books a week and give her written reports about their reading. Within a few weeks, Ben astonished his classmates when he identified rock samples that his teacher had brought to class. He recognised them from the book he had read. This was when he realised that he was not stupid.

Ben continued to amaze his classmates and teachers with his new found knowledge and within a year he was at the top of his class.

Ben Carson worked hard and read his books and he took his education seriously. Today,

Benjamin is a Medical Doctor.