14 couples tie knot

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — 14 couples exchanged marriage vows in a mass wedding at Muhura Sector in Gatsibo District over the weekend. The group included 12 newly married couples and two other couples formerly cohabiting.

Monday, June 01, 2009


GATSIBO — 14 couples exchanged marriage vows in a mass wedding at Muhura Sector in Gatsibo District over the weekend. The group included 12 newly married couples and two other couples formerly cohabiting.

"The problem of illegal marriages is being curbed. A key pointer to this is that two couples who came today to legalise their marriage after cohabiting had spent less than two years together. Most of them have children who are less than 2 years old,” said the Sector Executive secretary, Emmanuel Bagire.

Bagire, said 92 percent of couples in the sector have formalised their marriages - which he attributed to mass awareness campaign by local leaders and Non Government Organisations. He warned residents against illegal marriages and polygamy, saying it creates property wrangles.

"Every month we register couples who want to formalise their marriages because this is done on a monthly basis. But there are exceptions where we wed couples without waiting for that monthly function,” explained Bagire.

Legal marriage, he emphasised, creates harmony, love and peace in the family. Before tying the knot the couples were counselled on a number of marriage issues.

"Couples are also informed that they have equal rights on their property and that in case of divorce, the initiator is given a quarter of the property, while the other partner takes three quarters,” the sector leader said.

The newly-married couples castigated partners still cohabiting, saying failing to formalise ones’ marriage is probably done out of sheer greed.

The ceremony was marked by cultural dances and scores of family members and local leaders turned up to congratulate the newly married couples.
