Top tech firms expected for Kigali ICT meet

KIGALI - Some of the world’s leading Information and Communication Technology firms; Microsoft, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Motorola, One Laptop Per Child, and Cisco, will be among other international private organisations that will be attending a two-day workshop on ICT in education.

Monday, June 01, 2009

KIGALI - Some of the world’s leading Information and Communication Technology firms; Microsoft, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Motorola, One Laptop Per Child, and Cisco, will be among other international private organisations that will be attending a two-day workshop on ICT in education.

The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Global Learning Portal (GLP), a US-based initiative specializing in the use of ICT’s to connect and empower educators.

The workshop to be held from June 3 – 4 will focus on forging partnerships between Rwanda education stakeholders, donors, and the private sector to improve ICT usage in the education system.

"Rwanda needs to develop expertise through building ICT infrastructure, capacity, and content,” said ICT in Education Coordinator Albert Nsengiyumva.

"Partnerships can deliver and leverage that expertise, while at the same time ensuring that there is something that both sides can get,” said Nsengiyumva who works with the Rwanda Education Commons, a GLP initiative.

Representatives from major donors and Rwanda education and ICT institutions will attend as well as high ranking government officials.

The workshop is aimed at harnessing much of the enthusiasm around ICT’s and also direct this energy towards improving teaching and learning.

"It’s great to have so many technology projects and programmes and activities, but they need to be aligned with each other and with MINEDUC’s vision,” said Steven Ehrenberg, Programme Manager of the Rwanda Education Commons.

"By encouraging cooperation among partners, and by following MINEDUC’s new policy and strategic plan, Rwanda can reach teachers and learners more effectively and more sustainably.” Ehrenberg added.

The workshop is expected present a clear understanding of the government’s strategic plan for ICT in education, and will develop a roadmap for its implementation in several key areas and also seek new partnerships and initiatives.

The workshop comes at a critical time, as the government looks to coordinate its ICT in education activities by moving them into the Rwanda Education Board.

The new structure will provide oversight and guidance to many programmes, such as open and distance learning, curriculum development, and teacher training.

"In the end, this is all about giving our children opportunities to learn,” said Eustochie Agasaro, Programme Coordinator for the Rwanda Education Commons.

Rwanda’s stance towards promoting ICT in Education especially at early stages through the One Laptop Per Child programme has earned it international recognition.
