The secret life of...Justine Ngarambe

Justine Ngarambe is the Managing Director of Simba Supermarket. She is married and a proud mother of three, two sons and a daughter. Below, she shares some stuff you might never have known about her:

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Justine Ngarambe is the Managing Director of Simba Supermarket. She is married and a proud mother of three, two sons and a daughter. Below, she shares some stuff you might never have known about her:

The first thing you do in the morning……
I say a prayer.

When are you happiest?

When I positively accomplish a day’s agenda.

Greatest fear…….

Going to hell.

Earliest childhood memory……

Being left in secondary school by my father in 1991.

Affectionate memory of your parents…..

My mummy’s special care when going back to school from holidays.

Greatest achievement……….

Participation in the setting up of Simba supermarket

What keeps you awake……..

Formulating a solution to a problem

The most important lesson life has taught you ……

Life is what you make it to be. When you complicate it, that’s what it will be.

During your free time….

I listen to Gospel music or go out with my husband and children.

What you hate most….


Retirement plans….

To set up a charity organisation so that I can help the needy.