Editorial: Snokin’ ain’t kool

So, you’ve watched many movies where the star always seems to look kool (good) when they puff away at a cigarette! You probably wanted to try it out and ended up almost chocking on the fumes. Yeah, that’s what happens to smokers, their life somehow goes with the fumes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

So, you’ve watched many movies where the star always seems to look kool (good) when they puff away at a cigarette! You probably wanted to try it out and ended up almost chocking on the fumes.

Yeah, that’s what happens to smokers, their life somehow goes with the fumes. In case you do not like the flow of where this is leading to, we shall stop here. Get to know more on our Focus page. You know today is the World No Tobacco Day.

Today, we shall also take you around some of Rwanda’s Genocide memorial sites. They are testimony to the tragedy that befell our country fifteen years ago.

Many of you might shudder at the idea of visiting the sites because of the fear of the very imagination of the unimaginable deaths of those they behold.

However, it’s only by visiting these sites that your resolve to ‘Never Again’ will be fortified. The sites were not constructed for foreigners to witness but for you to always keep close those that the nation will always call its greatest loss.

Pay homage to them; be there with them and above all make that pledge that what befell them will ‘Never Again’ happen, not here and not anywhere else in the world.

Also in this issue, except your usual columns such as The Hater, Living Life, Rambling Mind, Reflections on Sunday. You should also have noticed the return of The Bird Hunter…this time he’s reloaded.

We also hope you’ll get used to rib breaking Kabanda’s Musings and his dearest Datiliva. You have a whole page of fiction. You are encouraged to send in your own fiction pieces. You never know where it could take you. So, once again, we wish you good reading.
