Minister commends crime rate decline in the west

• Drug abuse tops other crimes WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The Minister of Internal Security, Musa Fazil Harerimana has hailed the Western Province for its efforts in reducing crime rates over the past three months.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

• Drug abuse tops other crimes


KARONGI — The Minister of Internal Security, Musa Fazil Harerimana has hailed the Western Province for its efforts in reducing crime rates over the past three months.

The Minister, who was chairing a provincial security meeting on Thursday, said the province registered second position in crime rates reduction this year, describing it as a tremendous achievement. He did not however, disclose this reduction in precise terms.

However the minister’s report indicated that the most common crimes that were registered include drug abuse which came on top closely followed by rape, defilement, armed robbery, torture, Genocide ideology and witch craft.

During the meeting, Rutsiro District was praised for emerging the most secure district country-wide.

Harerimana told participants who included the provincial governor, Celestin Kabahizi, district Mayors, police officials and army officers  that a high crime rate is the most significant hindrance to the country’s development. He urged other district leaders to emulate Rutsiro in maintaining security.

"We all remember that this district was a dent of crimes in recent years but having emerged the best country-wide means there is a lot to learn from them. Other  districts with relatively high crime rates need to  seek advice from Rutsiro,” the minister said.

The districts which registered high crime rates include Rusizi and Rubavu. 

Genocide ideology and witch craft have been pointed out as being very prevalent in Rusizi. Armed robbery and drug abuse were most prevalent in Rubavu District.

The minister noted that drug abuse has led to a big number of women and children breaking the law going by statistics for inmates in Gisenyi prison.

Harerimana emphasised that the down ward trend on  crime incidence  shows that the province is capable of wiping out such  crimes.

"It is very promising that you are trying to fight such crimes especially when we compare with previous indices. But you should take tough measures because those who commit these crimes are your area residents,” he urged.
