Parliament to pass Civil Aviation Act in three weeks

EAC partner states are aware of the progress and are waiting for the confirmation once it’s passed In a move to harmonise the Rwanda Civil Aviation’s jurisdiction with that of the region, Rwanda’s Civil Aviation Act and the Civil Aviation Security Act, are expected to be passed in three weeks time.

Friday, May 29, 2009
Richard Masozera, the CAA Director General explained the developments.

EAC partner states are aware of the progress and are waiting for the confirmation once it’s passed

In a move to harmonise the Rwanda Civil Aviation’s jurisdiction with that of the region, Rwanda’s Civil Aviation Act and the Civil Aviation Security Act, are expected to be passed in three weeks time.

According to the Director General of Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority, Richard Masozera, the law is on the list of issues to be taken and discussed in the cabinet soon.

"We are not sure of this but it is our wish. Our Minister is pushing for that the law, which should be passed in three weeks’ time,” Masozera said.

He added that the East African Community (EAC) partner states are aware of the progress and waiting for the confirmation once it’s passed.

The CAA boss who is in Arusha to engage in discussions of the Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) said that the protocol is supposed to be ratified by EAC partner states.

The three founder partner states have adopted the protocol in their national legislative assemblies and are waiting to ratify it as a block. It’s after the harmonisation of EAC civil aviation regulations that the bloc will ratify the protocol.

The EAC CASSOA is a specialised agency of the community responsible for ensuring the development of safe and secure civil aviation systems in the region. 

The main objective of the agency is to ensure coordinated development of an effective and sustainable civil aviation safety and security oversight infrastructure.

Other functions include harmonising operating regulations to ensure that they meet the international standards and recommended practices. The agency also develops standardised procedures for licensing, approving, certifying and supervising civil aviation activities.

It provides guidance and assistance to states including putting in place measures for resource sharing particularly for the technical personnel.
