Children dominant group in latest Rwandan returnees

GATUNA — At least 74 children were among the latest group of Rwandan refugees who were repatriated from Nakivale refugee settlement camp in western Uganda on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

GATUNA — At least 74 children were among the latest group of Rwandan refugees who were repatriated from Nakivale refugee settlement camp in western Uganda on Tuesday.

A total of 159 former refugees  were repatriated by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), including 51 males and 34 women.

They arrived at Gatuna border at 3.30 p.m, aboard two buses and one truck carrying the returnees’ luggage. The returnees were received by UNHCR, National Council for Refugees and Gicumbi District officials.

They were transported to Rukomo returnees’ transit camp, which is about 30km away from Gatuna border post. Talking to The New Times, one of the returnees Furaha Uwimana, a mother of two said men preferred to send their families back home first, while they remained behind to sell their personal property.

"Many Rwandan refugees at Nakivale refugee camp have goats, chicken and crops, which they have to sell off before coming back home for good. That is why most husbands preferred sending their children and wives first,” said Uwimana.

Addressing the returnees, Françoise Uwanyirigira from the National Council for Refugees, urged them to report to their local authorities at village and cell level upon arrival at their respective districts.

"Your participation in developing our country is highly needed, which is why you should work hand in hand with local leaders to uplift Rwanda’s economy,” said Uwanyirigira.

The returnees were given food rations to last for three months and household necessities. 
