New city garbage site to cost $3.65 million

A technical study with the help of South African experts, on how to re-cycle waste at Nyanza garbage site has been conducted The United Nations for Development Programme (UNDP) has injected $3.65 million for the construction of Kigali city garbage site. The design of the site will soon be completed under the technical support from the German  government.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A technical study with the help of South African experts, on how to re-cycle waste at Nyanza garbage site has been conducted

The United Nations for Development Programme (UNDP) has injected $3.65 million for the construction of Kigali city garbage site. The design of the site will soon be completed under the technical support from the German  government.

The development follows public complaints over the unhygienic conditions at Nyanza garbage site in Kicukiro District that emanate from the site, especially during the rainy season.

Rose Mukankomeje Director General of Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA} said this recently during the 3rd Pan-African conference to discuss climate change and challenges.

"The site was constructed way back whereby planners thought it was far from the residential area but  the city has expanded too fast  towards that garbage area,” Mukankomeje said recently. She added that 80 percent of the waste at the site can be recycled into other products like manure and charcoal.

Talks are going on between Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) and an Indian investor to produce glasses out of the disposed materials.

Rwanda has been losing out on scrap that was considered as waste yet the same is highly valued in regional countries.

According to Bruno Rangira the Public Relations and Communication Officer in Kigali City Council (KCC) part of the funds will be used for management of waste which include recycling and to design the new central garbage site.

Rangira confirmed that the site will be constructed in Kigali sector to be completed in a period of one year. The site receives waste from all corners of the city and it’s said that at least 40 trucks of rubbish are disposed every day.

People living near the site, have always complained of various health problems owing to the garbage and they insist that the council should get an immediate solution to reduce the threat to human welfare posed by the volumes of rubbish at Nyanza.

Meanwhile, a technical study on how to recycle waste at Nyanza garbage was conducted with the assistance of South African experts.
