Leaders on and off the field

Eastern province Ngoma—Before a football match pitting district leaders against students and teachers, leaders in Ngoma were told to exercise their positions as examples in society and lead their people accordingly.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eastern province
Ngoma—Before a football match pitting district leaders against students and teachers, leaders in Ngoma were told to exercise their positions as examples in society and lead their people accordingly.

District vice-mayor in charge of economic affairs Julius Kansime said yesterday in Zaza sector at the closing of a two-day training of sector executive secretaries, agriculturalists, and cell and village executives.

He called upon the trained leaders to use this chance effectively and to teach the residents about green revolution.
"It should not be a training that will end in this house,” Kansime said. "You have to sleep late and wake up early in order to fulfill your duties.”

He however told those who feel that they will not do their work effectively since they are not paid for the services rendered to give up as early as possible.

The training aimed at educating residents about the crops they should grow so that they can eradicate poverty out of the district and Rwanda in general.

It also aimed at looking for a way in which people can unite and make cooperatives as well as teaching the residents to change and grow crops that can bring them income such as banana, rice coffee and pineapples, crop recently passed to be grown in the area.

Leaders were also told to speed up Gacaca cases, which are due to be completed by the end of the month throughout the country.

Silver Ngaramba, who is acoordinator of Gacaca in Ngoma urged where possible to get help from other sectors that have finished all Gacaca cases so that they can beat the deadline.

The match ended with 3-1 in favour of the district officials with two brilliant goal from the vice mayor Kansime.
